

Dear Parents/Carers,

Your child’s WOLF day will take place on Thursday 13th February 2025

Your child will require appropriate clothing for the weather conditions and if not dressed appropriately unfortunately will not be able to take part in this exciting day.  Appropriate clothing will include:

  •          A water proof coat
  •          Long sleeves and trousers (Children must have long sleeves when on the campfire)
  •          Suitable waterproof footwear (Boots, wellies, walking shoes etc.)
  •          Warm clothing - no leggings or crop tops
  •          A change of shoes for when indoors (school shoes, trainers etc.)
  •          A plastic bag to put wet boots/clothes in.


Your child should come to school dressed in their outdoor learning clothes and will stay in them all day.

 Thank you for your ongoing support,

 Year 5/6 Team


Spring 2 2025
PE Kit
From January, Redwood will have indoor and outdoor P.E at school. We have now finished our swimming lesons.
The Woodlands PE kit consists of a white top, black shorts/skirt, pumps/trainers, black jumper and black jogging bottoms. Please ensure that your child has a comfortable spare pair of shoes for outdoor PE (as their others may be muddy or wet from being outside). Children should NOT wear hoodies or leggings. If your child has their ears pierced, please ensure that they can remove their own earrings. 
 Thank you.