
Ingestre Hall

Please find below some photographs to show you what we are getting up to whilst we are away at Ingestre Hall!
We hope you have enjoyed seeing what the children have been getting up to at Ingestre Hall. 

Our apologies for the patchy internet delaying our updates.

The children are behaving amazingly and are representing Woodlands beautifully. We are extremely proud of them all.
Positive and excited comments have been made by the children about their workshops and they can’t wait to show us their final productions tomorrow.
Orienteering in the dark was a big hit yesterday evening as was star gazing, hot chocolate and movie night! 
All slept well and will hopefully do the same tonight after their disco, party games and more hot chocolate with marshmallows! 

All of the children have had a wonderful time but can’t wait to come home to families tomorrow too. 

Get the hugs ready and they’ll see you tomorrow afternoon.
Mrs Read and Miss Shipley